Embarking on a journey down the open road promises a world of adventure—exploring new places, reconnecting with friends afar, or simply enjoying nearby attractions. Yet, amidst this freedom lies the sobering reality of impaired drivers, transforming the road into a perilous domain. Here, we delve into the various forms of driving impairment and their profound repercussions on every individual traversing the highways.
Commonly associated with impaired driving is the influence of alcohol—a factor contributing to a staggering 30% of all traffic-related fatalities in the United States. Shockingly, a life is lost in an alcohol-related car crash every 39 minutes in this country.
Statistics reveal that in crashes involving alcohol-impaired drivers, 62% of fatalities in 2020 comprised the impaired drivers themselves, with the remaining 38% encompassing passengers, occupants of other vehicles, or pedestrians.
Beyond alcohol, drugs pose another significant risk for driving impairment. Marijuana, for instance, can hinder reaction times, decision-making abilities, coordination, and perception. Harder substances like cocaine and illicit amphetamines exacerbate impairment, affecting attention, memory, and other cognitive faculties, both immediately and in the long term.
Moreover, even prescription and over-the-counter medications carry the potential for impairment, inducing sleepiness, impaired vision, diminished coordination, and other detrimental effects that compromise driving safety. Concurrent use of multiple substances, such as alcohol and marijuana, intensifies impairment levels considerably.
In addition to the more overt risks associated with alcohol and drug use, subtler causes contribute to driving impairment, notably fatigue. Astonishingly, 1 out of every 25 drivers on the road are either drowsy or fatigued, significantly elevating the risk of accidents. For instance, drivers operating on only four hours of sleep face an 11.5 times higher risk of accidents compared to those who enjoy a full eight hours of rest.
Mitigating the adverse consequences of impaired driving necessitates collective responsibility. From refraining from driving under the influence to prioritizing adequate sleep, each driver plays a crucial role in minimizing potential hazards and ensuring road safety.
For further insights into additional causes of impaired driving, such as distractions and adverse weather conditions, refer to the accompanying source.
Infographic provided by Van Sant Law, a top truck accident lawyer